Anti-Aging Skin Treatment
Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and Newport Beach

Anti-aging skin treatment is the most advanced way to reverse the hands of time.
Time travel is the stuff of science fiction. But then again, so are lasers. While it is impossible to go back in time, laser technology may achieve the next best thing: anti-aging skin treatment.
As skin ages, it loses elasticity. Wrinkles and age spots set up camp, making it difficult to erase their persistent presence. But laser resurfacing techniques can target unwanted discolorations and fine lines.
AsandraMD is your ultimate destination for advanced skin solutions. Under the esteemed leadership of Dr. Christopher Asandra, our world-class staff can transport your appearance to a youthful wonderland of possibilities. Contact our office, conveniently located in Beverly Hills. AsandraMD proudly serves the greater Los Angeles area and beyond. We also provide virtual consultations to best suit your schedule and lifestyle. No matter where you log on, Dr. Asandra wants to connect with you.
* Results May Vary
About Pico Fractional Laser Treatment
Often referred to as the “Red Carpet” laser, the Pico Fractional device is known for its minimal downtime. Fractional laser treatments deliver rejuvenating brilliance to various layers of the skin simultaneously. The efficiency and effectiveness of the Pico Fractional laser celebrate your features without draining your free time. Our laser resurfacing system offers a far superior and less abrasive treatment than outmoded forms of skin resurfacing. Skin toning and overall rejuvenation are a snap at AsandraMD.
* Results May Vary
How Does Our Skin Age?
It’s often said that our skin is the window to our overall health. And it’s true! Bad habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, eating poorly, and not managing stress properly all do internal damage. Poor decisions play out on the surface for all the world to see. However, we can do all the right things and still not love what we see in the mirror.

As we age, our skin naturally changes, no matter what we do. The outer layer (epidermis) thins, and the number of pigmented cells (melanocytes) decrease, leaving the remaining melanocytes vulnerable to distortion in size and appearance.
The aging process is exacerbated by one primary culprit: the sun. Even worse, sun damage done in our youth can wait to rear its ugly head until years later. Commonly, these age and sun-related pigmentations present themselves as melasma, liver spots, lentigos, age spots, and even simple freckles. The most frustrating symptom of advancing age is leathery, wrinkled skin.
At AsandraMD, we have the technology to help you obtain a natural, rejuvenated look. Laser resurfacing also tackles troublesome acne problems and unwanted scars.
Contact our Beverly Hills office to begin your journey from maturity to marvelous.
* Results May Vary
Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation
- Smooths away wrinkles
- Brings an even tone and texture
- Minimizes age spots
- Reduces acne scars
- Non-invasive
- Much less downtime than surgery
- Much more effective than topical treatments
* Results May Vary
Eligible Candidates
If you are a healthy individual who wishes to rejuvenate your complexion with the help of laser treatment, then AsandraMD is your ideal haven. Eligible candidates must not be experiencing active infections on the skin that is being targeted for treatment.
Also, you should wait for any acne breakouts to clear up before experiencing skin resurfacing. Even though our fractional lasers can treat acne scars, they are not suited to open sores. Dr. Asandra can determine your candidacy for anti-aging skin treatment during a comprehensive consultation.
* Results May Vary
Private Consultation in Beverly Hills
Face time is a gift. You love showing off your best features to friends, family, and that special someone. But when blemishes and creases obscure your attractiveness, you need to spend some face time with Dr. Asandra.
AsandraMD can assess your complexion needs during an in-person examination. Or, if you prefer to connect remotely, consider a virtual consultation. In order to accurately diagnose your skin needs and strategies, make sure you have plenty of light to shed on your video chat.
Speaking of videos, get a walkthrough of your upcoming procedure by checking out our gallery page. Dr. Asandra explains his masterful techniques and marvelous technology, including the Pico Fractional laser that has the power to rev up your rejuvenation.
During your consultation at AsandraMD, our attentive team will provide you with detailed instructions to prepare you for laser skin resurfacing. These directions will be tailored to your complexion and aesthetic goals, so please follow them carefully.
In general, you must avoid exposure to sunlight in the weeks leading up to laser skin resurfacing. UV rays are the greatest contributor to aging, and the purpose of your AsandraMD visit is to remedy the signs of time. If your skin is dry or burned on the date of your laser treatment appointment, you may need to postpone it until you are properly hydrated and healthy.
Skin Resurfacing Procedure
Age is a complex process. The signs of aging accumulate on the skin like a pile of rocks, heavy and burdensome. To address symptoms of aging, we must break up these metaphorical rocks, step by painstaking step.

The Pico Fractional laser system operates on several wavelengths at once. Beams of light pulse through the proverbial rockpile, breaking down the bigger blemishes so they can be further minimized by the next wavelength in the process. Eventually, an imperfection that once seemed as immovable as a boulder is now a mere pebble, ready to be cleansed from the surface with ease.
As your AsandraMD representative passes the Pico Fractional laser over your skin, it promotes collagen production deep below the surface. Collagen is an essential building block in the reparation and maintenance of a healthy complexion.
Even months after your laser resurfacing treatment, a chain reaction of collagen production will persist. Your healthy glow will endure for the long term, after just a short office visit.
* Results May Vary
Healthy Recovery
For the immediate 4-6 hours following a fractional laser treatment, the affected skin may be red and sensitive. The sensation is similar to a mild sunburn, but it should gradually subside over the course of the next 1-3 days.
To avoid exacerbating the effects of laser skin resurfacing, you need to avoid sun exposure at all costs. Even several weeks after skin treatment, please remember to moisturize and protect the skin with high SPF sunscreen.
If you have questions regarding best practices in the realm of skin maintenance and replenishment, please call (424) 361-0808.
* Results May Vary
Amazing Results
The fractional nature of our resurfacing lasers allows us to penetrate both the dermis and epidermis harmlessly. Fractional lasers have shown the capacity to provide a marked improvement in both layers, creating results that alleviate the symptoms of photoaging. Photoaging is the technical term for skin damage perpetrated by the sun. UV rays conspire with the ravages of time to create wrinkles. By zapping away age spots and fine lines, the Pico Fractional laser delivers ravishing results in no time!
To get a preview of the new you, please visit our rave reviews page. AsandraMD thrives on the safety and satisfaction of our patients. We are excited to add you to the ranks of our happy, healthy clientele.
* Results May Vary
Complementary Procedures
Despite the fact that the Pico Fractional laser is safe and gentle, it does technically create strategic micro-wounds to the skin. The laser stimulates collagen to rush to the aid of these stimuli, creating a healthy sheen of new cell growth. To aid the healing process, consider the benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.
Platelets get their name from their round, flat shape, like that of a dinner plate. The structure of platelets allows them to bind to one another, forming a mesh that helps wounds clot when the skin is broken. To complement the micro-injuries implemented during laser skin resurfacing, PRP supports the rapid replenishment of healthy skin cells.
To explore the world of PRP as it relates to anti-aging skin treatment, contact AsandraMD in Beverly Hills. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will direct your call and address your needs with laser-focused insight.
* Results May Vary
How much does skin treatment cost in Beverly Hills?
The price of laser skin resurfacing hinges on the extent of the area being treated. During your comprehensive consultation, Dr. Asandra will provide a transparent cost breakdown. The Pico Fractional laser delivers the best rejuvenation money can buy, so call (424) 361-0808 to discuss how it can benefit you.
Is laser skin resurfacing safe?
Lasers are powerful yet delicate. They should only be operated by highly qualified individuals. Dr. Christopher Asandra has spent his professional career helping patients thrive. His dedication and expertise will guide your complexion to new heights of healthiness. Dr. Asandra can explain his techniques best, so contact him at your earliest convenience.
- Ong, M. W. S., & Bashir, S. J. (2012). Fractional laser resurfacing for acne scars: a review. British Journal of Dermatology, 166(6), 1160-1169.
- Lumenis manufacturer’s site. (2020). PiQo4 product page, retrieved from
- Nakano, S. (2020). Histological investigation of picosecond laser-toning and fractional laser therapy. LASER THERAPY, 20-OR.