IV Exosome Therapy

Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and Newport Beach

Intravenous exosome therapy is a new frontier in regenerative nanomedicine. By utilizing the body’s natural DNA-sharing processes, doctors can halt the progress of aging and revitalize a patient’s health on a cellular level. Dr. Christopher Asandra is now offering these groundbreaking treatments to “set back the clock” and give you a rejuvenated appearance at his Beverly Hills and Newport Beach offices. 

If you are interested in the benefits of a revolutionary treatment like exosome therapy, do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Asandra. As one of the country’s leading anti-aging clinics, you can trust that all of the methods employed and offered are backed by success and science. If you have any questions about exosomes, Dr. Asandra, or other treatments offered, please call one of our helpful specialists at (424) 542-8881.

About Exosomes

Exosomes are membrane capsules that contain proteins, enzymes, DNA, RNA, and other molecules that assist in cell reproduction, tissue function, tissue repair, maintaining homeostasis, and more that are emitted by cells and received by others. (1) The receiving cell takes this information about the status of the body and what needs to be accomplished to shift its operations as needed to ensure homeostasis and optimal health. These vesicles should not be confused with chromosomes, which store DNA sequences inside the nucleus of each individual cell. Exosomes, however, are sent between cells to communicate what operations must occur.

When this therapy is applied to anti-aging efforts, patients can experience an all-encompassing rejuvenation rather than piecemeal targeting one part of the body after another. As we age, our skin goes through countless changes and retains marks that tell the story of our lives. While the wisdom that age brings is always beneficial; the scars, wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and blemishes that our skin retains can be unsightly and embarrassing features that increasing numbers of patients seek to correct. Even though these are all perfectly normal effects, many patients find it hard to feel happy, confident, energetic, and vibrant with such visible signs of aging. 

Treatments like topical solutions, fat transfers, and injections have proven to be successful at reversing the effects of aging, but these can only focus on certain parts of the skin and cannot guarantee long-term results. Similar to exosome therapies, stem cell rejuvenations treat aging by targeting cellular decay. However, these still offer drawbacks like requiring maintenance and upkeep and are prone to rejection by the immune system. (2) Exosome treatments delivered intravenously rewrite the messages sent between cells to promote rejuvenation and healing that would have otherwise gone unnoticed by the body. Doctors worldwide are beginning to see the benefits of exosome skin treatments, and Dr. Asandra is one of the leading physicians in Beverly Hills and Newport Beach who has successfully treated patients with these methods.

Exosomes for Tissue Repair

Soft tissue defects are common complications of age, tumors, traumas, and more, and exosome treatments have shown incredible potential in healing these. While healing the issue is the main focus of recovery for many doctors, rehabilitating and treating the soft tissues (tendons, ligaments, skeletal muscles, etc.) is vital to ensure normal function after recovery and often goes overlooked. (3) 

Growth of skeletal and muscular tissues operates similarly to exosome rejuvenation methods by giving cells specific instructions. Tissue regeneration is achieved through cellular reproduction and interactions between multiple types of cells. By using exosomes to communicate, cells can regrow the tissue to a new, healthy state. (3) This ultimately eliminates the joint pain complications patients experience by ensuring the proper growth and replacement of soft tissues in the body. Studies have found that exosome treatments can cause biomechanics to perform better than their original status, too, resulting in not only healing but total improvement as well. (3) Doctors worldwide are beginning to support exosome treatments based on their safety and efficacy, and Dr. Asandra has seen success in eliminating joint pains as well as rejuvenation.


IV exosome therapy offers certain benefits that other rejuvenation treatments cannot. The biggest of these is its ease of procedure. Unlike injections, fat transfers, or even stem cell treatments, exosome therapies do not require any cellular extraction, numbing, or incisions. Because you receive the compounds through an IV drip, all you have to do is sit and relax while Dr. Asandra and his team insert the IV and monitor your vitals. A small initial needle prick is the most painful part of the procedure, and we normally advise patients to bring their phone or a book to pass the time. 

Another major benefit is that the body is more likely to accept the treatment and does so faster. Exosomes are not susceptible to the risk of immune system rejection and do not require the regular monitoring and maintenance that stem cell treatments need. (2) Patients receiving exosomes through an IV drip will experience anti-aging effects in all parts of their body, too. While exosome treatments can be focused on one specific region if delivered by injection, introducing the vesicles to the bloodstream brings rejuvenating effects to the entire body. Facial wrinkles, bony extremities, and dark spots will be eliminated as cells produce more collagen. Patients who undergo IV exosome treatments also experience insignificant recovery, boosted confidence, and increased happiness as their appearance improves.


Most patients who want to receive IV exosome therapy are eligible for it. It is generally recommended for patients to be in decent overall health, but because there are very few complication risks, patients with subpar health or who have chronic diseases may still receive the treatment.

If you want to investigate IV exosome treatments to improve your appearance and reverse the effects of life and time, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with Dr. Asandra. Each exosome regimen will be different, so discussing your goals will give him the clearest picture of your candidacy.

Preparation and Procedure

IV exosome therapies are some of the least complex procedures Dr. Asandra offers. At your consultation, you will discuss your rejuvenation goals and Dr. Asandra will create a plan for your case. He will also review your medical history just to check for any potential allergens or preexisting conditions that could interfere with your treatment. Once cleared, you will receive your IV drip into a vein in your arm. This will either be performed by Dr. Asandra or one of our trained staff members. From here, all that is required is to sit and let the exosome solution flow into your bloodstream. 

How Do Exosome Treatments Work?

Many anti-aging methods achieve their goals by stimulating collagen production in the skin. Collagen is responsible for keeping the skin hydrated, elastic, and youthful, and is mostly produced by structures in the skin called fibroblasts. (2) These already produce collagen at a slow rate, but the effects of aging reduce their production even further. 

Because exosomes are message-carrying vesicles, fibroblasts will receive the information they carry and increase their production of collagen as instructed. A certain type of exosome called a Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) will enter the nucleus of the fibroblast cell and apply the DNA and RNA it was carrying to the fibroblast nucleus, and this results in an altered behavior like increased collagen output.(2) By introducing an influx of exosomes into the bloodstream, cells throughout the body receive biological prompts to increase collagen production. As it is produced, the skin returns to a younger, more youthful state. Fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes are eliminated, leaving you looking revitalized and refreshed. (2) 

Recovery and Results 

Because exosome treatments are administered through an IV drip, you will be able to resume normal activity directly after your treatment. No serious recovery plans are required. You may experience some soreness at the injection site, but this will be similar to that of a flu shot. Exosome treatments are still relatively new rejuvenation methods, so long-term results are still being studied. However, based on their minimal risks and enhanced acceptance by the body, doctors speculate that the revitalized effects will appear sooner and last longer than standard stem cell treatments and alternative rejuvenation methods.(2) Overall, doctors are very hopeful about the prospects of exosome rejuvenation.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

Dr. Asandra and his team are some of the nation’s leading anti-aging experts and have achieved success and patient satisfaction with dozens of skin-rejuvenating procedures. If you want to maximize your results, consider adding another procedure to your exosome regimen. 

One of the most effective procedures offered by Dr. Asandra is the Pico Fractional Laser treatment. This high-tech method uses a focused laser beam to induce controlled injuries — similar to sunburns — in the skin at specific sites. This controlled damage prompts the skin to produce higher-than-normal levels of collagen to heal the induced damage and the blemishes that were targeted.

Dr. Asandra’s practice also offers Botox treatments. Patients with facial wrinkles of all severities have seen them disappear with a carefully planned injection procedure. Because IV exosome therapies are such passive procedures, adding other rejuvenation efforts to your plans is easy. If you have questions about planning your ideal look, schedule a consultation with Dr. Asandra and create your most effective treatment plan.

Cost of IV Exosome Therapy in Newport Beach

IV exosome therapies will be planned differently to match each patient’s desired youthful appearance, so each patient’s price will be different. The best way to receive a cost estimate is to discuss your plans with Dr. Asandra at your consultation. Alternatively, our staff are always available to discuss payments and pricing if you call (424) 542-8881.


What is exosome therapy?

Exosome therapy is an innovative and exciting treatment modality that harnesses the power of regenerative medicine. This therapy utilizes extracellular vesicles, specifically exosomes, to promote tissue repair and rejuvenation within the body. Exosomes are tiny particles released by cells, acting as messengers to facilitate communication and healing processes among different cell types.

Are there any side effects of IV exosome therapy?

Most patients experience very few side effects, but mild bruising or tenderness may occur at the IV site.

Can IV exosome therapy be used in conjunction with other treatments?

Yes, it can complement various therapies, including cosmetic procedures, enhancing overall results.


  1. Muthu S, Bapat A, Jain R, Jeyaraman N, Jeyaraman M. Exosomal therapy—a new frontier in regenerative medicine. Stem Cell Investigation. 2021;8:7-7. doi:https://doi.org/10.21037/sci-2020-037
  2. Wu J, Wu S, Zhang L, et al. Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes: A New Method for Reversing Skin Aging. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 2022;19(5):961-968. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s13770-022-00461-5
  3. Wan R, Hussain A, Behfar A, Moran SL, Zhao C. The Therapeutic Potential of Exosomes in Soft Tissue Repair and Regeneration. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022;23(7):3869. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23073869